Garland Presley is Here to empower you, to use the power of your innate intuition, to create personalized strategies and transformative solutions that give you more TOOLS, more JOY, and more confidence with ADHD, one day at a time.

Meet Garland

The magical, mysterious, and unapologetically badass spirit guide that is Garland Presley. Born from the dreams and struggles of ADHDers everywhere, Garland embodies the strength, warmth, and wisdom we all aspire to.

She’s here to offer the perfect balance of support and love, helping us navigate the complexities of life with ADHD. Garland understands the misunderstandings and frustrations we face, and she's ready to blow the doors wide open to a world of clarity and empowerment.

Join me on this journey to harness her magic and unlock what we are truly capable of & more!!

The Mission

Garland is here to champion the misunderstood and to stand up against the BS that ADHDers often face. Her mission is to provide the perfect blend of support, tools, and resources to help you thrive. She’s not just a guide; she’s a beacon of strength and magic, ready to support you when you need it most. And as we follow her lead, we grow stronger and more empowered together.

Your journey begins Here

Where did I start? I hear it every day, so If you are recently diagnosed, self-diagnosed, undiagnosed, late diagnosed with ADHD & not sure where to start, you have found it!

Maybe you want holistic alternatives to ADHD stimulants.

Maybe you are just ready to learn from someone who has lived this for 30 years & deeply understands your struggles & some proven strategies to tackle executive dysfunction to share with you. Then click below & let’s begin our journey together.

Behind The Scenes Monthly Newsletter