Think You Know ADHD?

Did you know?

Our brains consist of 60% fat. (Hence why Omega-3s are so important & I go into more detail in another post, which I linked HERE). And why your diet plays such a big role…fat fuels focus!!!

And that ADHD brains are interest-based, which means you can focus on anything that is of interest to you, whereas the rest of the world is importance based (and why we struggle in school & jobs because they all place importance on things we don’t do well).

That everyone struggles with impulse shopping, not just us, it’s just that we turn it into a sport - haha.

Struggling to manage ADHD symptoms is about having a solid foundation of information, that impacts your mindset & fuels your consistency.

And successfully building a solid foundation & understanding is about accepting what is it that we don’t know. Here's something I haven’t told anyone yet, I spent more than 8 months researching ADHD & uncovering all the cracks in my foundation. And even as someone who has been managing this for 30 years, there were concepts & ideas that I included in the e-book, that even I didn’t fully grasp & put together before now…NUTS, right?!

The saying we don’t know what it is we don’t know is so true. And I wrote the ebook “Explain My Brain” to help you better understand all the moving parts. Because let me be honest, it’s a lot to keep up with. But I took everything & simplified it into this ebook, where I give you step-by-step instructions & provide that foundation on which to use as a guide to help you be more successful in your daily life. I wrote it for YOU & for my inner child who felt deeply misunderstood.

I promise you when you read this e-book and dive into understanding the information the way I lay it out for you, you will be able to fill in the cracks of your own foundation to be able to better manage ADHD for yourself & for those you love. It’s like trying to fly a plane without a pilot's license. Sure you can see all the dials & buttons but you have to understand how everything works together to get off the ground. And you need a co-pilot & a crew, too, you can not do this alone, no one can. Whether you are an “elder ADHDer” like me or brand new to managing ADHD this ebook fills in the cracks of missing information, in a simplified step-by-step guide, and offers you workable solutions that are customizable for you.


I couldn’t find another e-book like this for sale, written by an ADHD brain, so I wrote it myself. Let me give you a peek into the e-book.

Finally, the SOLUTION to your ADHD struggles is here!!!!! This e-book gives you a renewed sense of what you are capable of doing. I get it, you are stressing about how to be more consistent & how to build better relationships with those you love. You want to spend less time stressing & have more energy to do what brings you joy. And you want to better connect & understand your ADHD child. You want to be able to manage your energy in more efficient ways. I teach all these!!!!

I even teach you how to use your hyperfocus to your benefit, and how to create a plan so you don’t impulse shop for cute puppies when you just need dopamine. I teach you how to better manage your dopamine on demand, get better quality sleep & stop burning the midnight oil laying awake anxious & worrying about things that are out of your control, and so much more!

In summary, I hope this has helped convince you that even for someone like me who has been doing this for 30 years, there are always opportunities to learn & grow. And together we will figure it out.


How To Feel More Successful


Omega-3s For Brain Heath