How To Feel More Successful

Explain My Brain

I said this before, ADHD is a revolving door, this process is ongoing & exactly why I offer solutions so that door doesn't hit you every time it comes around.

Recently, someone shared that they had it all figured out & that they didn't need the eBook - ok that's great, I am so happy for them. But for the rest of us, who understand the impact of that revolving door, that's not going to work. 

 Excuses with ADHD are like trying to hold your breath underwater, you can only do that for so long & eventually, you have to come back to reality & realize YOU are NOT a fish. Let me be the first to admit that I have a PHD in excuses. I was scared of being judged, criticized & told I was “crazy” - which in my family happened on a regular basis.

And because the world can be so unkind to us, it's understandable that we can make up excuses for just about anything as an attempt to protect ourselves from feeling the shame that we all know too well. The reason we feel shame is because we have been conditioned by society to shame ourselves for not being able to do things the neurotypical way & that's no way to live. Let me put this question out in the world, why is taking accountability & finding what works feel way harder? It doesn't have to be. Aren't you tired of looking at a sink of dishes & wondering what's the heck is wrong with me? Stop it, NOTHING, nothing is wrong with you!!! 

 When I realized that I had spent my entire life making up excuses, instead of acknowledging I needed answers, help & support, everything shifted for me. Sure I still poke fun at how my brain works because it IS entertaining. Get this, I am no longer consumed by that & instead I freed up space to find answers & teach solutions. Speaking of solutions, that brings me to tour next topic….keep reading….

What if I told you that using what interests you to manage ADHD will unlock your potential? Well, that's what the ebook does!!!


Jalapeno Popper Chicken - Low Spoons


Think You Know ADHD?